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Našim zákazníkům, partnerům a přátelům,

Koronská krize je svým rozsahem jedinečná a nebývalá a její dopad se dotýká nás všech. Naše ocenění a myšlenky se týkají lidí, kteří udržují náš zdravotní systém a zásobovací řetězce v provozu, a odvážným lidem, kteří se starají o lidi, kteří onemocněli tímto virem.

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Our main priority is the health and safety of our employees, customers, partners and their families. We are constantly monitoring the evolving situation and adjusting our business processes and procedures accordingly.


FläktGroup has implemented a wide range of measures to ensure that we can keep our manufacturing and operations going without interruptions and we are closely monitoring the recommendations of global and local health authorities to guide our actions. We monitor the situation carefully and adjust our internal measures on a daily basis.

We will continue to support you and your ongoing business  

  • Our sales and customer service teams are available as always by phone and online even if they are in many cases working remotely
  • Our production is managed in several shifts to keep the productivity at normal level whilst managing the safety of our employees
  • We work relentlessly to ensure your orders are delivered according to your expectations. We will assist you in case you need to make changes or if any unforeseen event impacts expected delivery dates.


If you have any concerns or questions please contact your local representatives. If in doubt, please visit www.flaktgroup.com.

With our sincere wishes for your good health,


Thierry Jomard

Group CEO